A profile picture generation tool that doesn't charge you, fool you into generating the picture and attempt to charge you to download it, or store your picture on its servers. Just a simple FREE tool, 100% in your browser.
First we need a picture of you. The best pictures to use are those where you're the subject in the foreground and there's nothing in front of you.
You can choose a photo from your computer or take one with your webcam. Whichever option you choose, there's no need to worry about privacy - the photo never leaves your computer.
Oh and if you're making it for your own website you might want to look at The Crawl Tool
Here's what you uploaded. You can set the crop square by dragging it and resizing it. It's probably a good idea to put this over your face!
Choose a nice color for the background. You won't see the color at first because it's behind everything.
The new background is originally right at the back, behind everything. Drag this slider to the right to bring it forwards so just you are showing.
Choose a nice outline color.
Choose the outline thickness
Samples of how the picture could look depending on how the site you use the profile pic on formats them.
If you want you can upload a picture to replace the background color, or try one of ours.
Note: Your file should be a square image